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ANNOUNCEMENT: First Well of 2017 equals more water for elephants!

Updated: Jun 19, 2021

We are excited to announce that Elephant Cooperation initiatied its first borehole of 2017! This is our second attempt at drilling, and we are ecstatic to announce that we have successfully hit water! Because of YOUR support and our partners at Wildlife Works, this borehole is made possible. Now, more animals (including elephants) will have access to water during the drought!

Why is this borehole important?

In 2016, Kenya had poor rains leading to a major drought. It was so severe that it was declared a national disaster. This drought has continued into 2017, resulting in wildlife forced to look for water in the communities. This creates human-wildlife conflict. This borehole will give a regular supply of water to wildlife in a safe environment. Our partners at Wildlife Works have picked a location that is heavily forested and on a “well-trodden migratory route.”

Where is this borehole located?

This borehole is being drilled between two Tsavo national parks in Kenya!

How can you help?

Clink the link below if you’d like to contribute to this borehole. Select “Build A Well” to give to this specific project.

If you’d like more information on this project, subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media!

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